Monday, October 24, 2011

Final concept and development process

These sketches were expressing my ideas in movement in organic form.

     This is my final concept, expressing movement, and it naturally forms an organic feature, like a plant root moving to connect with the soil.


  1. These sketches and models are very powerful. You need to work with the larger context of the site and in scale. This concept is ready to trasform into a structure. Scale..... Prof. Jill

  2. Your drawings are very expressive in regards to form. If you were to study the internal and external forces acting on these forms/gestures , it would give you more clues to the nature of their interqaction with your spaces you will be generating. Interestingly enough, even the organs of the body are various shaped forms that operate under one body. Therefore this is an example of multiple functions, one form. This is a reverse idea of multiple forms, one function. Try to define the coordinates or points of impact as moments or coincidences where events occur. Beautiful drawings regardless.
