Wednesday, November 30, 2011

plan and section development

In the Cellar, are the auditorium and a fitness area will.

The first floor/ the main floor will comprise of the main entry, the lobby, administration and a space for gatherings.

The second floor will have a combination of a restaurant and exhibit spaces.

 The third floor may have an alternative for a restaurant.

5th floor is one of the typical hotel rooms.

!2th floor will be the pent house locations. I will have two houses, one will be accessible.

a draft of the section

Please Note: I drew them to scale, but the images you see here are slightly changed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Basement plan

The basement will have a fitness area and an auditorium. The fitness area include a pool. The auditorium may be used as a theater.

Study model update

The study model only shows the base portion of  the first few floors. Am working towards adding height. I am using a movement concept, also inspired by organic.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Some Proposed plans, sections and elevation

I am showing these plans to the previously added ones. They may change slightly when they are all finally drafted to scale.
At the lower right is a concept of the movement idea for developing my section.


Final Proposed Section

Section spaces and uses
NB: The red outlines is not showing the actual section.
It's just to show which areas have been selected for assigning their uses.
